From the hamlet of Cold Kirby, find East Farm (at the eastern end of the hamlet) and take the bridle path running directly through the backyard of the farm. This runs between fences, before dropping down and straight up again, follow the hedge line across one more field onto the road. Slight right onto the road to continue on the bridle path ahead over three large fields. Again, cross the road slightly right, to continue ahead on the same bridle path. Follow the field boundary, as it dog legs to the right above rough ground, look out for a tumble down gate way against the fence. Through this gate, the path narrows dramatically and drops steeply downhill, twisting through trees into Murton Wood. Cross two small backs in the bottom, before pushing up hill, first on grass then joining a good track which sweeps left to right following it uphill.
The track meets a metalled road coming in from the right. Continue straight ahead on the road, approaching Murton Heights, but before the buildings are reached, take a good track on the right- Ox Pasture Lane. Stay on this main track for approx. 2km as it skirts the north edge of Deep Gill Wood. As you break the wood, and return to farmland, stay to the right hand side of the fance but keep straight ahead on the obvious path (now grass instead of hard pack). The bridle path goes to the left of the abandonded barn, then bears right and follows a minor ridge above quarries. Keep following the arrows (and the fence line, you'll see the sign!) and eventually drop down to the first of two farms, Barnclose Farm. Turn sharp right in the farm yard to pick up the metalled road. Follow the road over a bridge and on to Tylas Farm, here turn right uphill then bear left, staying on the metalled road and over a slight hill. Immediately after crossing another small stream, go through a gate on the left to pick up a grassy footpath heading towards the River Rye. The foot path now follows the Rye, spending a short while on a wooden board walk!
Along the River Rye. |
The path is obvious as it follows the valley bottom. After crossing a metalled track, the footpath turns uphill to begin the climb into Ashberry Wood.
In Ashberry Wood. |
Not far to go now! |
Follow the track between Noodle Hill and the ponds of Nettle Dale to meet a junction of five tracks by some stepping stones. Cross the beck on the stepping stones and follow the Cleveland Way on the main track, ignoring tracks on the right, into Flassen Dale. Ignore a footpath also on the right which leads into Callister Wood, a little further on, the Cleveland Way also branches off to the right, ignore this too, continueing on the main track through Flassen Dale. After the best part of another mile, a footpath comes down from the left and leaves the dale via a steep climb to the right- take this! The path winds up the valley side between trees before heading almost due North over two fields before joining a track over the third field and leads back into Cold Kirby.
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