Saturday, 22 February 2014

The week after Hardmoors.

That up there is for Hilary. More on that later...

So, after Osmotherly. Need to un up more hills man! Legs pretty mashed if I'm honest.
But, always a glutton for punishment I went to Sonja's session on Monday night. We started early on the Flatts with circuits - 10x push-ups, 10x jump lunges, 10x mountain climbers then a short sprint. Repeat and keep going for 4 minutes. We did that 3 times. Then, everyone else did sprints, 7 out-and-back jobs. I did 7 jogs! It was enough.

Tuesday I hurt everywhere! Lower half from Sunday and upper half from Monday night.

Weds back to club, weather a touch better than last Wednesday's hurricane... We did 5x 4mins intervals. Again, I took it steady but I think my legs felt better afterwards.

Thursday night Hilary and I took ourselves to Kilburn Woods for a spot of trailblazing...
We'd planned to do Unicorn Way, but the Unicorn had been subjected to brash clearance/felling and had vanished under vehicle tracks and a blanket of fallen brash. We clambered about for a few minutes but decided we were only going to get lost and frustrated, so we took a different path which was all downhill and mostly ankle deep mud and water!! It was all good fun, I did point out to Hilary that if this had been a race she'd have beaten me down to the bottom...
We got out onto the main path at pretty much our normal point, so onwards over the horse gate and out onto the road at the bottom of Town Carr Bank near Kilburn. We stopped for a moment to admire the stars and a bank of snowdrops before starting the climb. My legs screamed at me a lot of the hill ,but we made it. The path on the top of Sutton Bank is lovely and flat, we made good time jumping puddles along the way. Next comes the infamous Angle Path which goes pretty much straight down... We took it steady at the top as it was wet and slippy, then once on the good surface, about half way down we came to a fallen tree!! Right across our path, thankfully we're both small so we squezzed between the branches and continued down on to the main tracks.
A long mile of good track took us back to the car and a celebratory pint at the Forresters Arms in Kilburn Village.

The party version of the song at the top was on in Hilary's car and we said it fitted tonight's run quite 'Didn't even know we were lost'!

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