Sunday, 10 April 2016

Bank Top Run (Jan 26th)

Sundays medium run!

My running buddy Gavin has been out of action for a bit with a sore knee, but he seemed to decide that rest wasn't making any difference so he came out to play!

We headed up to Sutton Bank visitor centre, it was misty up there and a little cold compared to home, but much warmer than it has been of late. There was a pickup truck on the verge, obviously missed the sharp corner and a police car was in attendance so we got on with our run!
We'd decided on an hour- hour and half run as I had left a beef joint in the oven!

Set off along the Cleveland Way heading north. In places the path was dry and nice, and in other spots it was quite muddy, that awkward mud where you can't get much momentum. But these patches were only short.
Soon warmed up enough to strip off to just a T-shirt! Kept my gloves handy though as sweaty hands get cold quickly.
The mist had also lifted and we hit the really awkward muddy bit by High Barn. It's not deep mud, just a thin veneer almost, and peppered with mole hills. It's really quite hard work!
I wondered where we were going from here, we normally do hilly circular runs and Gavin likes to be in charge of the route so I generally let him get on with it. He said today though we'd just do an out and back to the metal gate, avoiding the steep sections to try not to aggravate his knee. That was fine by me, although the distance I thought would be longer than expected.
Into the upper part of Boltby forest, I love this little stretch in the trees and a deer crossed in front of us.
A little further on, two farm dogs were out and snuffling around. We walked by them but they were friendly and after a quick sniff got on with their snuffling. 
Another forest bit, and soon we were at the metal gate. Marked on the map as Steeple Cross, it's where you step out of the enclosed forest and onto the moor. It's one of my favourite spots as the whole moor just opens up before you. We contemplated the big sky for a moment before turning around and heading back the way we came.
I am pleased the Cleveland Way volunteers have improved some of this section of path as it was a horrible, rutted, muddy slog before; now it is hard packed trail and much nicer to run on.
The farm dogs were still snuffling and paid us no heed this time.
It was now late enough for other people to be out on the trail too, most were friendly and said hello.
Gavin picked up the pace on the way back so there wasn't much breath left for talking! I think that's his tactic for when he has had enough of listening to my rambling about crap...
We got back to the car without mishap, although covered in mud splashes up to the knees! 11 miles done in 1hr 50mins, pleased with that. The route might not have been hilly, but it's hardly flat!!

As it was I got home at 10:15 am so only 15 minutes later than I said I'd be and the roast beef was lovely!

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