So, Hilary and I went up to Sutton Bank to do just that! We had no plan in mind and decided to run along the top until my watch bleeped (set for 2 mile bleeps, for eating on long run purposes!) and then see what we felt like.
I'm not gonna lie, those first two miles were so hard! I actually checked my watch at one point, in case it had bleeped and I'd missed it... nope, just 1.6 miles done.
At last though, it did bleep and we knew the next turn off took us towards Boltby. We could work our way back without having to drop too far down the bank and therefore avoiding a big climb up again.
They've drained some of the path so it wasn't ankle deep slop like it normally is, that was disappointing.
We ran on a good track along the bottom of the woods. Deeper into the wood, the track just peters out, then turns sharply uphill! It was very muddy and wet and we were slipping all over the place even with our fell shoes on! Much more fun! At one point I ran into a bit so deep I nearly fell over.
We squidged and squelched our way through the trees, enjoying the muck far too much, then popped out onto the main Thirlby Bank path.
Time to climb. Never yet run up this hill. Probably never will!
Then it was an easy jaunt back to the visitor centre. Legs were warmed up and working now, almost seemed a shame to stop but we both had commitments elsewhere.
The high winds (and getting up too late) put pay to our planned hike on Monday. Instead we went to Kilburn Woods (the scene of Thursday night head torch runs) where it is relatively sheltered. It is amazing how much more we saw while walking in the daylight! Lots of 'interesting' piles of stones all covered in lush green mosses, twisted trees and a little lake/pool I've never seen before despite having been here a million times.
Later in the evening, I called into the Club training session to collect membership forms. I also did a 2 mile loop of town and then got Chinese food for tea!
Tuesday was busy, took the car to the garage for its MOT, then battled the wind home. Later, walked back again to collect the car (via Tesco). Even later still, I pulled on my trainers and ran into town for the third time to join the Harriers Tuesday group, getting 9 miles done there.
Wednesday and back to work, booo.
Down to Club in the evening. The usual torture master was away in that London so we had JDW instead and we worked on running posture. Then outside for intervals in the dark.
Very tired on the run/walk home.
Thursday, I was a little worried that Brett hadn't spoken to me since our little trip to Osmotherly (see previous blog) but today I got a text announcing it was his birthday and he was going for a run in the woods. Funnily enough, so were we!! Sonja and her hubby joined us for a change which slowed the pace right down but that was actually quite nice as my legs were sore from last nights club sesh. Lunges just seem to kill me!
Seeing as it was Brett's birthday we went to the pub for a swift half before heading home.
Friday and today I have just done a mile to maintain my streak. Thankfully my legs have come back to me as I am off for a 20 miler tomorrow with Gavin. I feel tired already...
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