I texted a few people, but only Brett was available. I picked him up and we went to Osmotherly. It was cold, wet and windy. As organised as ever, Brett had his shorts on and had forgotten his waterproofs...
Thankfully the rain stopped by the time we got going and about a mile later I was for too hot with my coat on!
In the first two miles, we'd stopped three times, once for me to strip off, then each time one of us had to pee.
Finally vaguely organised we were able to run on! I love the stretch across Scarth Nick Moor.
The first loop takes us clock wise up over Beacon Hill, across Scarth Nick Moor, then up the Sheep Wash and along the top track above the reservoir. Part way along the top track, we turned downhill, enjoying the easy descent through trees to meet the dam on Cod Beck reservoir. We did a lap of the res, meeting lots of dog walkers and their dogs along the way. We both saw fit to comment on why they weren't at work...
Brett also pointed out were running in circles as this point.
I shared my Haribo and yoghurt raisins, 'cos I'm good like that, as we ran along the road back to the village. We waved at the car and carried on out of the other end of the village. An old man told us we should have set off sooner!!
We picked up the Cleveland Way for a short distance, heading into Oakdale, but turned off at the farmhouse to follow the route of the Hardmoors Ossy 10km. Long uphill drag, tried to run it, didn't have the legs! Neither did Brett. We reached the road at Chequers and rejoined the reservoir top track again. We now headed down the Sheep Wash, I have yet to find the good line up or down this rocky little climb/descent. More visits required.
Back along the road and up onto Scarth Nick Moor once again. It is deceptively uphill and there were 'civilians' about so we had to run the whole thing!! That was tough.
At last on the top, a muddy stretch and had to mind the branches someone had dragged across the path since we'd passed earlier, then into my favourite descent, the downside of Beacon Hill! Love it.
Last couple of fields and then the track which becomes tarmac and runs back into the village.
We'd been looking forward to a nice cup of tea at the cafe, but both coffee shops were shut!! Disaster! We contemplated a beer as the pub was open, but I had to drive and Brett had work to finish, so we decided to come home.
First time I have run with just Brett, normally there's somebody else with us, usually Gavin. Brett is quite a good runner, but he seemed quite happy to shuffle along and walk the hills etc. We talked utter crap the whole time! Normally Gav speeds up when he's had enough of listening to us rabbit on about nothing.
Ha! When we got back, we found Brett's wife had gone into town and so he was locked out!! I let him sit in the car til his wife returned.
I was quite pleased to see we'd averaged around 11 min/miles 'cos we had really shuffled round. I'm also pleased the next day that I am not sore at all, just a little tired from the accumulated mileage - 160 miles this month.
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